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Wild Wisdom Gathering: A Lioness Liberation Transformation

How frolicking in the ocean with a group of your new best lady friends can help you remember your purpose in life.

Remember when you were a kid at the beach and you had no concept of time or money, and the weight of any burdens were fully lifted when you dropped into playtime? That is the mission of the lioness liberation retreat. To treat you to a fully curated experience so you can be taken care of just as a child. And we believe, that from this space, you can become boundless again.

Psychology of Reset

Just in the normal course of living, we take on a burden of necessity that can be remedied most exceptionally by a reset. We wake up, we work, we pay bills, we do chores, we hurry to appointments, we execute to-do lists, and we tackle a seemingly never-ending pile of laundry. What happens to many is that somewhere along the timeline, they forget what their passions are and they fall into a state of ennui – a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

When your favorite workout class becomes a stressful to-do, or when you can’t remember what your passions are, it’s time for a reset…This is a chance to set things up differently than they were before. This is an opportunity to forget the habits that are keeping you on repeat, and forge a more vibrant or attuned lifestyle – one that supports you doing what makes you happy.

Travel across the globe

So get out of the endless eat, sleep, rinse, repeat. Travel somewhere so gorgeous that your heart gushes with blood fervently and full of purpose. Get out of your comfort zone and see something that not many people have ever seen. These experiences will be your lifelines to your manifested lifestyle change when you return home and are confronted with the same patterns of inattentiveness that challenged you before.

The stunning, turquoise waters and lush, green cliff escape of Sumbawa, Indonesia.

To Be Taken Care Of… Completely

From the moment you step out of the airport, you will be guided to our beautiful retreat space and held in your unique experiencing of the schedule and intention of the container. Our facilitators, Kenzie and Julia, will be there to usher in an enveloping warmness and calm that will color the entirety of your stay. Each day has been carefully designed to manifest a transformation in your mind and heart, so that when you depart this island, things will look and feel different when you return home.

Supporting Each Other

Your family for the week will be an intimate group of like-minded badass goddesses who are on similar life paths as you – seeking a more peaceful, expansive, utterly immersive lifestyle that leaves no regrets when you reach your last days. You’ll be surrounded by sweet, loving souls that encourage you to shine your light as brightly and as colorfully as you possibly can. These ladies will become new best friends and a support system as you reintegrate back into modern life… away from the wild blue shores of Sumbawa.